Showing posts with the label CambodiaShow all
The Night We Lost In Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The Scare and Thrill of DIY Travels

Hotel Luxury World, Phnom Penh We all have unique, sometimes strange, travel experiences abroad, some are  funny, others are scary to remember. But this one bizarre travel experience I had during my trip in Cambodia is both scary…

DAY 2: Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Pick up from hotel (this is free): 8:30AM Time of departure from Saigon: 9:00AM We crossed Cambodia without any Cambodian currency, we just got in there with nothing but confidence and courage, how we survived?  Read …

Day 3: Travel to Siem Reap, Cambodia

Pick up from the hotel (this is free): 8:30AM Time of departure from Phnom Penh city: 9:00AM We left Phnom Penh for Siem Reap at 9:00 in the morning. Unlike in Saigon where signs and town's address along the road ar…

Visiting Angkor Park At Sunrise

Stepping back in time to a completely different world! Just visited this stunning historical landmark in the Cambodian province of Siem Reap last January 5, 2015.  Address: Siem Reap province, Cambodia. Opening  time: 5…